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John Madden was head coach of the Oakland Raiders from 1969-1978, during which time he won a Super Bowl. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2006. After retiring from coaching John spent many years working as a sportscaster, color commentator and analyst, on both TV and radio. In addition, he has appeared in radio and television commercials. The pictures at were taken in the 1990's for a variety of photo assignments.

May 30, 2019

“When the going gets tough…”

John Madden photos are for editorial use. While you’re here we would like to share the following John Madden quote: […]

john madden
May 30, 2019


John Madden photos are for editorial use. While you’re here we would like to share the following John Madden quote: […]

john madden
May 30, 2019

“If you win a Super Bowl…”

John Madden photos are for editorial use. While you’re here we would like to share the following John Madden quote: […]

john madden